We Have A Blog Candy Winner!

 I very much wish I could send blog candy to each and everyone of you who left a comment telling me what brought you to stamping.  I am amazed by the heartfelt stories and just how stamping has touch so many lives.  A few things I found out from your comments are:

1. There is a tremendous amount of scrapbookers out there that stamp.   I may have to do some scrapbook page tutorials in the future.  Although I haven’t scrapbooked in a very long time.  This might be the kick in the pants that I needed to start again.  🙂

2.  I am definitely not alone when it comes to using stamping as a stress reliever/therapy of sorts.  🙂

3.  There are a great number of you that has or had a major illness and stamping has been or is a big help in getting you through it.

4.  You are all my friends!  Much love and hugs to each and everyone of you!!!!

 dsc05240.JPG   And the winner of the Studio G Stamps out of a whopping 493 entries is ……………………………………………

Congratulations to Nancy T, who left me this comment:

“Like many others, I started out scrapbooking and originally tried to convince myself that I was not going to get into cardmaking. That thought didn’t last long. I found that card making and stamping are such a great stress reliever for me. I am a chronic pain patient and this is great therapy for me. I can do a card in a short period of time or I can spend hours on cards, depending on my mood, my pain threshold level. Especially now with all the great card ideas that you share, I’m even more excited about stamping. Thanks for always sharing your incredible talent with us!”

Nancy T, you will need to e-mail to your address to [email protected] so I can mail out your stamps.  🙂

Thanks again everyone for sharing with me your stories and letting me get to know you a bit better!

Alrighty then, I’m officially off on vacation!  I’ll be back to ramble and share more stamping in 9 days!   For those of you who are signed up for my California workshops, I will see you next weekend.  I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU!


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