At the Coop

Hey There,

I spent some time yesterday hanging out with the girls.  The babies have adjusted well to the big coop and living with the big girls.   I think the most important thing that they have learned is STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM THE BIG CHICKENS or you will get pecked.

There has been lots of exploring going on, like little Sugar here introducing herself to the cement goose.  I’m still not convenience that she knows it is not alive.

Red is doing great although she lost almost all of her feathers during her molting process and still looks a bit deranged.  She is now covered in little new feathers and it appears she will be more white than red when all of her feathers are grown out.  The other girls have been keeping her warm at night, very sweet.

Luke is being so very patient with the chickens.  This is Bunny trying to take his milk bone.  I think any other dog would have Bunny for a snack, but not Luke.   He lets the chickens peck at the milk bone and then he eats it.

Now let me introduce you to Hope.  She is the little Easter Egger chicken on the left.  The chicken on the right is her buddy Goldie.  They are the same age and should be the same size.

I haven’t talked much about Hope because we didn’t think she was going to live very long.  Not long after we got her we noticed she had an extended crop (chest).  Me being the sap I am, took Hope to the Vet’s office.  Now walking into a country Vet office with a chick gets people laughing in a farm community.  Mainly, because if there is a problem with poultry you do away with the problem not shell out $20 to have the vet look over a $2 chick.

The Vet, which I love, held back his laughter long enough to tell me that she has a birth defect.  Her crop has not developed properly and she will not live very long because she is not getting the nutrition she needs.  After hearing this glum report I decided to let Hope live out her days anyway since she was eating and running and doing all the things the other chicks were doing, but I was trying not to become to attached, yeah right.

That was 5 weeks ago and Hope is still being her chicken self and doing everything all the other chickens are doing she just is not growing at the rate they are.  She is now half the size that she should be, but is enjoying life.

So here’s to Hope the chick that is not giving up or being given up on.

On a lighter note, here are some other activities in the chicken run.  How about finding a faster way to the chicken feed and you don’t have to worry about the big girls pecking you.  Pearl figured this method of chowing out.

Lots of preening going on.  They are keeping those new adult feathers clean and beautiful.

Napping in a pile is a perfect way to spend the afternoon.  I think we should learn a thing or two from them, especially the afternoon nap thing, maybe not in a pile though.  🙂

Well that’s all for today from the coop.


May your day be super wonderful!
Until my next post. . . . . .
Huge Hugs!


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