Chick Talk

I haven’t been able to go out and chat with my favorite friends much since we have had snow on the ground and they have been cooped up in their run.  So today as the snow was melting I let the girls out for a bit while I sat on the deck step, the only dry surface around.

Well anytime you get down to the girls level they think it is time to have a talk with you.  Here they come.

I started by complaining that I needed a manicure.  The girls really are the only ones that will listen to me complain, lol.   At least I  had Buffy’s attention.

Red says “let me see” and her and Buffy check out my hands and then try to snatch the camera strap off of my wrist.  It does kinda look like a worm, so I’ll give them that one.

They then helped me decide whether to forgo a manicure today by showing me their nails.

Hey, I think I’m good for another week or two before I need to get mine done.  Talking to them about such things could just save me some dough.  . . . . . .

Huge Hugs and clucks!

Weight loss in 2013:  19.7 lbs




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