This and That

Hey There,

Well I am back from the Stampin’ Up! Convention in Salt Lake City, UT where I had such a fabulous time!  I swear if I were not already a demonstrator I would sign up this minute just to go to the next convention.

The above photo is me at the Stampin’ Up! headquarters.  (I did not try to match my clothing up with the sign, lol).   I got to take a tour and see where it all happens.  I have had many a package delivered to my home that came from this place.  🙂

The most exciting part of convention for me was awards night.  Guess what!  I made Founder’s Circle for the second time!  What an honor to be one of the top 100 Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators.

I have evil eyes in the photo, but I’m sharing it anyway, lol.

Here I am after the awards and after party.  I just didn’t want to set my Founder’s Circle bag down.   The bag isn’t the best thing that you are given for Founder’s Circle, you are treated to an all expense paid trip to St. George, UT to be pampered and to hang out with Shelli Gardner and the other top demonstrators.  I cannot wait!

Here is a link to this years theme song and video. CLICK HERE Love it! Check out Stampin’ Up!


See this beautiful, beautiful girl.  This is my Granddaughter, Hailie Jade and she turned 9 today!  Holy Mackerel.  I swear she was just born yesterday.  Where oh where does the time go.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET BUGGIE!  May all of your birthday wishes come true.

Since I just arrived home last night after being gone for 9 days, I’ve been getting my home and garden straightened out.   Russ does a wonderful job taking care of the zoo (parakeets, dog and chickens).  He also waters my garden and tells me that he picks the veggies every day.  But, I wonder. . . . .  today I picked some zucchini that were the size of my arm, no kidding!  LOL  I think someone forgot to pick the veggies the last few days.  Anyhow, after giving fresh veggies to the neighbors there were still more than Russ and I could eat in the next few days so I had to freeze some.

Thank goodness for the food saver.

I still have some eggplant and peppers to do something with.   Don’t you just love a vegetable garden?  I do have one problem, my freezer is almost full already this summer.  I may have to go purchase another to keep up with all that is being harvested.

Well sorry folks, no stamping today.  I have had one of those days. . . . . .  . .You know when you walk in the room to feed the dog and you spot that you need to clean the dog snarf off of the windows so you get the Windex out and clean the windows and every other surface in the house and then you go to throw the paper towels away and the trash can is full so you gather up all the trash and take it out to the garage where you then proceed to straighten out your freezer and then gather the veggies that need picked and then you clean them and put them up in the freezer and then water and weed the garden, give the chickens the weeds to peck through, inspect the chickens, straighten their coop, oh yeah! the dog still hasn’t been fed!. . .. . . . . . LOL

May your day be productive.

I’ll be back tomorrow with a project for you.

Huge Hugs and love,

Get ready for Brayer and Direct to Paper Workshops!  I am coming to the following locations, click the location name for more information.

Elizabethtown, Kentucky

West Bend, Wisconsin

Purcellville, Virginia

Orange, Massachusetts

Scottsdale, Arizona

Sacramento, California

Staley, North Carolina

St. Petersburg, Florida

Newburge, Indiana

I hope you can make it to one of my workshops in 2012.  I have decided not to travel after this year, so be sure to catch one this year!

Link to my Stampin’ Up website where you can order all of your must have Stampin’ Up products from me 24-7:



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