My Chicks Are Here, Chirp, Chirp!

Meet my four new babies.   They just arrived this very morning, express mail.

We are going to call them the girls for now.  My chicks are all girls and I want to wait just a bit to name them.

They are 2 days old now and will live in this box brooder I put together for them for 4 to six weeks and then out to the new chicken coop.

I just want to let you know what I was up to this morning.  No time for stamping today.   I have chicks to coddle!

Sorry about the fuzzy pics.  They are really fuzzy, but they also haven’t learned how to stay still for photos yet, lol.  Or it could be that their new mommy has had to much caffeine today!

These are my first chicks.  I’m looking forward to having fresh eggs in about 6 months.

Anyway, I’m going to go back to watching the chicks and will post a project for you tomorrow.  Chirp, Chirp!



You can join my Stampin’ Up! team and become a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator now for the great new price of $99, CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT.

The Stampin’ Up retired stamp and retired accessory lists are out.  Hop on over to my Stampin’ Up! sales page to check it out.  Once the products are gone, there gone!

. . .  . Check out what’s going, going, going by clicking here.

Don’t miss out on my Customer free stamp set program. Check it out!  Along with a handmade thank you card from me for your order you will receive a token for each $50 in product you ordered using me as your demonstrator.  After you have collected 10 tokens you will receive a free current stamp set of your choosing, a value of $39 or less.   Here is a link to my online shopping page that you can shop at 24/7 (from the comfort of your home, even in your pj’s) and the products will be shipped directly to your door step from Stampin’ Up:   CLICK HERE TO SHOP.   My free stamp set program will be an on going program.  :)

Want to purchase one of my original cards or some Stampin’ Up! retired sets CLICK HERE.

Until my next post. . . . .  . . .


Get ready for Brayer and Direct to Paper Workshops!  I am coming to the following locations, click the location name for more information.

Sand Lake, Michigan (just North of Grand Rapids)

Lawrence, Kansas

Elizabethtown, Kentucky

West Bend, Wisconsin

Purcellville, Virginia

Orange, Massachusetts

Scottsdale, Arizona

Sacramento, California

Staley, North Carolina

St. Petersburg, Florida

Newburge, Indiana

I hope you can make it to one of my workshops in 2012.  I have decided not to travel after this year, so be sure to catch one this year!

Link to my Stampin’ Up website where you can order all of your must have Stampin’ Up products from me 24-7:


23 responses to “My Chicks Are Here, Chirp, Chirp!