Thank you so much for all of your well wishes and prayers

Hi Everyone, Just a little update and thank you.

First, Russ is doing a bit better but is still in the hospital to be observed and suffer through a couple more tests.  It all involves his wonderful loving heart. 

Second, Never fear I am still planning to be in North Chili, NY to teach on June 27-28.  I am preparing great projects!

Third, THANK YOU FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for all of your e-mails, comments and prayers.  There is no better community out there than the stamping community.

I came home from the hospital this evening completely depleted until I started up my computer and read everyone’s comments and e-mails.

I must share this one that I received from Lisa Thompson.  She wrote “I am sorry to hear Russ is under the weather…here’s a little ditty to (possibly) cheer him up…

I’m sorry to hear

Russ, m’dear

That your bride has worn you to a frazzle

Making you cut sponges and cardstock

So us stampin’ ladies she can dazzle

With her brayering and layering

She does amaze

And we know you work for days

To help her prep for her road shows

Us carders sure keep her on her toes

We thank you, Russ, from the bottom of our brayers

And we are sending you some powerful prayers

Because we want you better very soon

‘cause Michelle can’t miss her next gig in Saskatoon!

Hugs, Lisa”

Thank you everyone!  You have brightened my day and lightened my heart.

Until my next post. . . .

Huge Hugs,


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