My First Ever Blog Candy!


I’m not a blog candy kind of girl.  Meaning you won’t see me giving stuff away constantly in order to create traffic to my blog.  I would rather give you tutorials you can use.  But I stayed up way to late last night and I slept in this morning and find myself having two of these beautiful stamp sets Comfort & Peace from Gina K. Designs.  A gal only needs one set so the other one I am giving away as my first ever blog candy.  So leave a comment on this post telling me the things you would like to see in the future on my blog.  I will have my husband, Russ draw a random number tomorrow morning and that number will receive this set for free! 

Fair enough, I got to sleep in this morning and you have a chance at a beautiful free Gina K. Designs stamp set.

Hey, have a fabulous Friday!

Until my next post. . . . .


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